Our Most recent AWD129NA Ariston Energy Star 24" Washer/Dryer Combo - Platinum Will make Your Life Even better
The moment you acquire your first AWD129NA Ariston Energy Star 24" Washer/Dryer Combo - Platinum you almost certainly believed it absolutely was going to help save you both money and time, after all that was the entire point behind purchasing a item in the first place. While it's true those early on designs made a positive change and made your life a little easier, at Ariston we thought that it just wasn't sufficient. You warranted a product which was not just going to save you effort, but would make your life much better.
Whilst there are lots of alternative AWD129NA Ariston Energy Star 24" Washer/Dryer Combo - Platinum on the market today, we feel that what we did is considered the most effective aspects of the many various items out there and used them to make our most recent model. A very important factor which we did notice with the amount of the other items on the market is that they make an effort to impress you with lengthy displays of "exclusive" options they've included.
Our hottest AWD129NA Ariston Energy Star 24" Washer/Dryer Combo - Platinum comes with its very own list of functions, but rather than loading it up with a lots of useless functions, we invested in incorporating solely those our buyers let us know they wished. Then we focused on making sure that each one of these attributes worked properly, to ensure you might eventually be able to buy the one product that was created with only one point in mind and that to spare no expense to make Your Life simply that tiny bit better than it was.
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Features Include:Cotton Wash: Heavy, Regular, Light Permanent Press Wash: Heavy, Regular, Light Delicates Wash: Delicates, Silk, Wool Variable Temperature Variable drying time Variable spin speed: up to 1200 rpm Pre-Wash Easy Iron Delay Timer Extra Rinse Bleach Stain RemovalWash Load: 13lb.Detergent Recovery System Antifoam Protection Overflow / Flood Protection115 VAC RequiredApproximate Overall Dimensions: Height 33.47" Width 23.43" Depth 21.07" Before install, consult installation instructions packed with product/kit for current dimensions.
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